Solar Project in Rajasthan
Solar Project in Rajasthan
Project type:
Project standard:
Rajasthan, India
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Gold Standard
Project images
Project portrait
Das Projekt umfasst den Bau und Betrieb einer Photovoltaik-Solaranlage in der Nähe des Dorfes Bhadla in Rajasthan. Der Solarpark hat eine installierte Gesamtkapazität von 400 MW und produziert jährlich etwa 832,5 GWh sauberen Strom.
Ausgehend vom durchschnittlichen Pro-Kopf-Verbrauch in Indien kann das Projekt den Strombedarf von über einer Million Menschen pro Jahr nachhaltig decken. Durch die Einspeisung dieses Stroms in das öffentliche Netz trägt das Projekt zur Verringerung der Kohlenstoffintensität des Netzes bei und unterstützt damit den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel.
The project involves the construction and operation of a photovoltaic solar facility near the village of Bhadla in Rajasthan. The solar farm has a total installed capacity of 400MW and produces about 832.5GWh of clean electricity every year.
Based on average per capita consumption in India, the project will be able to sustainably cover the power demands of over a million people each year. By feeding this electricity into the public grid network, the project contributes to the reduction of the the grid's carbon intensity and therefore supports the fight against climate change.

project portrait
Sustainable development

Through the generation of clean electricity from solar power, the project reduces India ‘s reliance on fossil fuels. Diversifying away from fossil fuels is important for improving India‘s air quality, which currently is so poor, it reduces average life expectancy by 23 months.

Solar power is a clean and climate-friendly source of energy. By integrating the solar farm into the local grid, the project helps to stabilize the power network and thus the reliability of power supply.

The construction, operation and maintenance phases of the project will generate new employment opportunities. This is important as the solar facility is in a rural area, where local income predominantly relies on agriculture.

The project invests in modern technology that contributes to the development of renewable resources in India. The successful implementation of this project can act as a model for similar projects in the future.

Rajasthan has the largest solar potential among all the Indian states. The project effectively supports India‘s growing demand in a sustainable way.

The project avoids the emission of 780,000t of carbon emissions every year. This is important in the fight against climate change and helps to reduce the carbon intensity of India‘s power grid.

In addition to reducing CO2, the project also helps to avoid the emission of air pollutants such as SOx or fine dust, which are produced when burning fossil fuels and are directly related to acid rain.