Project technology
Landfill gas
Emission reduction
819.000 t
CO2 e p.a.
Project standard
Key facts
Location :
Project type:
Project start:
April 2008
Landfill gas
April 2008
The Project
Das vorliegende Projekt zeigt, wie die Installation von Systemen zum Auffangen und der energetischen Verwertung von Deponiegas zur Vermeidung von Methanemissionen beitragen kann. Der Standort des vorliegenden Deponiegas-Projektes ist die Metropolregion Istanbul, wo auf zwei Deponien entsprechende Anlagen installiert wurden. Zusammen generieren die Systeme rund 417 GWh nachhaltig erzeugten Strom pro Jahr, der in das lokale Übertragungsnetz eingespeist wird.
Located in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the project is based in two landfill sites and involves the construction and operation of landfill gas extraction and utilization systems. The two sites collectively dispose 19,000 tons of municipal solid waste every day. The installed capacity of the generators are 33.807MW and 16.980MW. Together, the two sites deliver, on average, 417GWh of electricity to the local grid every year.
Sustainable Development
While focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, all our projects also generate multiple co-benefits. These are supportive of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By supporting this project you’ll contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals: