Utilizing Wind Resources
in India
Key Facts
Project type:
Project standard:
Tamil Nadu, India
renewable energy
Gold Standard, CDM
project images
project portrait
Now home to 18 % of the world‘s population, India’s energy consumption has doubled since the turn of the millennium. To meet this demand, the country relies heavily on fossil fuels, coal in particular, which has lead to poor air quality.
This project helps to diversify the Indian energy mix and reduce carbon emissions by installing and operating 14 wind turbines in Tamil Nadu state with a total generation capacity of 21 MW. By harnessing the favorable wind conditions at the southernmost tip of India, the wind farm is expected to produce an annual average of about 46 GWh of clean electricity. Taking into account the average electricity demand per household, the electricity output of the wind farm is sufficient to sustainably supply 54.000 homes in India with clean electricity.